MS Gel 500 ml MS Gel 500 ml MS Gel 500 ml quantity Add to Enquire Basket Categories Consumables Pig Description Description MS Gel is a lubricant as well as an insemination gel It can be used for hands armsgloves and tools for vaginal and rectal examination for all inseminations or obstetrictreatments
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MS Aseptogel insemination gel 500 ml 4
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MS Aseptogel is a lubrication gel for use during insemination Characteristics MS Aseptogel Nonirritant for the animals Nonspermicidal Prevents internal wounds and injury to the vagina and cervix of the sow Will lubricate instruments The animals internal passages are kept clean during artificial insemination and this
MS Gel Pregnancy and lambing
Ms Aseptogel Insemination Gel 500 Ml 4
MS Gel is a lubricant for making hands arms gloves and instruments smooth and soft for vaginal and rectal examinations or in obstetric procedures Insemination trolley Show all Pregnancy control Scanners testers Lean meters Scan gel Show all Others Show all Carcass storage Carcass barrel Winch Intoxication MS Nitrogen CO2
MS Aseptogel is een inseminatie gel die gebruikt wordt als glijmiddel bij inseminaties de gel zorgt voor een extra reinigende werking van de geslachtsdelen voor een betere bevruchting
MS Aseptogel gel De Inseminación 4 schipperswebcom
MS Aseptogel gel dinsémination 500 ml 4 Schippers
MS Aseptogel est un gel dinsémination utilisé comme lubrifiant lors des inséminations Le gel assure un nettoyage supplémentaire des organes génitaux pour de meilleurs résultats dIA chez les truies
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MS Aseptogel Besamungsgel 500 ml kaufen 4
MS Aseptogel inseminatie gel 4 Schippers
Ms Aseptogel Insemination Gel 500 Ml 4
MS Aseptogel katetergel 500 ml 4
MS Aseptogel er en katetergel der bruges som glidecreme under insemination gelen sørger for en ekstra rensende virkning af kønsdelene for at give en bedre befrugtning
MS Aseptogel es un gel de inseminación que se utiliza como lubricante para inseminaciones el gel proporciona un efecto de limpieza adicional de los genitales para una mejor fertilización
Lubricant gel as well as an insemination gel It can be used for hands arms gloves and tools for vaginal and rectal examination for all inseminations or obstetric treatments Gel aseptic lubrication gel 500 ml Gel aseptic lubrication gel 500 ml Reference 555 Rating 2 Reviews
MS Aseptogel is an insemination gel that is used as a lubricant for inseminations the gel provides an extra cleansing effect of the genitals for improved impregnation
MS Aseptogel ist ein Besamungsgel das als Gleitmittel für Inseminationen verwendet wird das Gel bietet eine zusätzliche reinigende Wirkung der Genitalien für eine bessere Befruchtung